Saturday, August 4, 2012

Rubicon's Great Big War Game Merchandise Giveaway!

Rubicon has been fantastic with supporting Great Big War Game since it's release a couple weeks ago. The online battles are incredibly fun, and with more and more players purchasing more of the map packs, there's loads of different maps being played on. I'm actually finding it hard to pull myself away from GBWG so that I can get to other games and write up reviews (damn you Rubicon... hehe).

And now, Rubicon is going one step further, and having a Great Big Merchandise Giveaway!

At the end of each month, for the rest of the year, Rubicon is going to give away 1 merchandise pack to some very lucky gamers. In order to qualify, you just need to win one online match, which adds you to their leaderboard. You'll also need to register on Rubicon's forum (preferably with the same name you use for your GBWG online battles). That's it!

For full details, hop on over to Rubicon's forum page and check it out. Also, if you have some time to spare, why not spend it there? There's some great gamers with some awesome hints, tips, and strategy help, and, of course, the awesome Rubicon devs. And who doesn't like dialogue with awesome developers? =oD


**Don't have Great Big War Game yet? No problem, check out our 5 star review, watch the trailer, and head on over to the AppStore to pick up one of the best games for the iOS to ever hit the virtual shelves!


Awesome! Thanks for the heads up!

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